How to Optimize SEO After a Website Redesign

So you’ve crossed the finish line with your brand spanking new website redesign… now what? You know that SEO is important, but do you need a new strategy that differs from your old website’s SEO plan?

Well, we certainly recommend it! The rules of SEO are always changing, so no matter if your website is “old” or “new”, it’s a smart play to continuously research and update strategies to stay current on search engines.  

Also, it’s important to remember that  while a well-executed redesign can boost your search engine rankings, a poorly managed one can lead to a drop in organic traffic. 

How can you stay on top of SEO to ensure your new website soars? Here’s how to measure SEO improvements after a website redesign.

1. Establish Baseline Metrics

Before you dive into a website redesign, it's essential to establish baseline metrics for your current site's SEO performance. This gives you a thorough understanding of your current audience, the keywords that gets the most traction, and an overall feel for the user experience.

If you already have an SEO strategy in place using tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console, then it’s easier to get the information you need. 

However, if you’ve never had a detailed strategy for your old website, it might be a good idea to get an analysis done by a professional before the redesign.

2. Conduct a Comprehensive SEO Audit

During and after the redesign, conduct a thorough SEO audit of your new website. This includes checking for any broken links, missing meta tags, duplicate content, or other on-page issues that might have arisen during the redesign process. 

These small mishaps can affect SEO performance and cause setbacks. They’re also pretty easy fixes.

3. Monitor Keyword Rankings

Content is always a key player in the SEO realm, so when you have fresh content on your redesigned website, it’s important to follow your keyword rankings carefully and compare with your old website content. 

Your target keywords should be generating leads, so if you notice any declines, investigate and make necessary adjustments to your on-page SEO strategies.

4. Track Organic Traffic

If you didn’t utilize SEO analytics before, now’s the time to start. Monitor changes in your website's organic traffic using Google Analytics. A well-executed redesign should lead to an increase in organic traffic over time. 

Examine user engagement metrics, such as bounce rate, average session duration, and pages per session. A positive redesign should lead to improved user engagement, indicating that visitors find your website more appealing and user-friendly.

Be patient, as it may take a few weeks or even months to see significant improvements.