per month
1 Hour of Professional Modifications
Search Engine Submissions
Automatic Backups
Uptime Monitoring
Dedicated USA Agent
per month
2 Hours of Professional Modifications
Search Engine Submissions
Automatic Backups
Uptime Monitoring
Dedicated USA Agent
Search Engine Optimization PKG
Increase traffic and rank higher in Google
SEO tweaks and adjustments based on monitoring and trends
Keyword checks on national and local search engine traffic
Monthly overview report: keyword rank, movement, search traffic, goals & more
per month
2 Hours of Professional Modifications
Search Engine Submissions
Automatic Backups
Uptime Monitoring
Dedicated USA Agent
Search Engine Optimization PKG
Increase traffic and rank higher in Google
SEO tweaks and adjustments based on monitoring and trends
Keyword checks on national and local search engine traffic
Monthly overview report: keyword rank, movement, search traffic, goals & more
Online Presence / Booster
Google Online Advertising
Local Listing Advertising
Local or Toll Free Tracking Number
2 Blog Post Per Month